Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Harper Huckleberry Book 3 by Jeremy Rain

Harper Huckleberry Book 3 by Jeremy Rain

Keep the Fire Burning with Harper Huckleberry Book 3 by Jeremy Rain.  The trip to music school that started out in the tiny town of Carnation, Washington, has now reached the destination...Nashville, Tennessee. But not without it's love, passion, poetry, death and destruction. And a cast of characters you can sink your teeth into..

Harper Huckleberry Book 3 - Keep the Fire Burning by Jeremy Rain

Finally! Nashville.

   What an unbelievable trip it has been. He was beginning to think he may never make it. At first, he thought it would be easy. Grab the guitars, pack the car, fill it with gas, enjoy a nice, relaxing tour of America on the way to music school in Nashville. How hard could it be? But that idea went out the window before rubber met road. When Angel Chavez asked him to take her away at the last minute, Harper Huckleberry knew that things would be different.

He had no idea how different.

   This third book in the Harper Huckleberry series, “Keep the Fire Burning”picks right up where Greed & Guts” left off, and keeps the gas pedal smashed through the floor. Harper and Angel are up to their necks in adventure, trouble, and calamity from Deadwood, South Dakota, all the way to Nashville. Somewhere along the way, Angel receives some bad news, then delivers some bad news of her own. Now she knows something he doesn't, and the guilt and paranoia is almost too much for her to take.

   The action packed Harper Huckleberry series rolls on with more crazy characters, punches thrown, shots fired, twists, turns, ups and downs. The fire between Harper and Angel is still lit, but can it stay that way after Angel pulled the trigger? “Keep the Fire Burning” puts a load of dry wood on an already blazing journey, and you're invited to feel the heat up close.

Keep the Fire Burning and all Jeremy Rain books are available here in digital format. You can also read them for free if you have Kindle Unlimited.

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