Tuesday, April 26, 2016

                                            Living Proof 4: Please let me not Die in Vein

"Living Proof 4"

The fourth book in the "Living Proof" series is alive and kicking with the pedal to the metal and more action and adventure than before. The subtitle of this new book is "Please let me not die in Vein." 

The story picks right up where Living Proof 3: Lost and Found left off, and is the longest book in the series.

If you like a story with adventure, action, twists, turns, romance, travel and some violence, the "Living Proof" books are right in your wheel house. 

The book description...

Kyle Morrison has had more action and adventure in the last few weeks than any other farmer's kid would experience in a lifetime. He tried to do the right thing, but it's turned out almost all wrong. He's been chased down, beat up, shot at and pulled the trigger. Kyle has also fallen hard for the soft touch of beautiful Sami Carstens, and he now stands alone in the dark looking for his missing lover while the waves of the mighty Pacific splash around him.

While Kyle searches for her, the two of them are being ferociously chased down by Sami's notorious uncle who vows to see both of them take their last breath. They are also being hunted by her fathers business associate, a crooked sheriff that's hell-bent on taking every last dollar they have. If that's not enough, an up-and-coming Seattle detective will stop at nothing to arrest them, even if he destroys his career doing it.
“Living Proof 4 – Please let me not Die in Vein” picks right up where “Living Proof 3 leaves off. The road trip you could never imagine continues and escalates at full throttle. Will Kyle find Sami and have a “normal” life together, or will the treachery that relentlessly chases them finally unravel and crush them? There's only one way to find out.

Want Proof? Click here  to start from the beginning.